Rohan Alibutud


My name is Rohan Ferriols-Alibutud, although most places I just go by Rohan Alibutud, since even that name is enough of a linguistic flashbang for people not familiar with Filipino nomenclature.

I graduated from Rutgers University with a Bachelor of Science in both Evolutionary Anthropology and Genetics, two fields with very different methods that are nonetheless interested in very similar questions.

I am currently a first-year Bioinformatics PhD student at the Institute for Genomic Evolutionary Medicine at Temple University, in the lab of Dr. Sudhir Kumar.

About Me

Bones-wise, I am a graduate of the Turkana Basin Institute Origins Field School affiliated with Stony Brook University and the National Museums of Kenya. I spent a semester at active field sites at both the Mpala Research Center and the Turkana Basin Institute, studying ecology, geology, fossil paleontology/anthropology, and archaeology.

Genes-wise, I completed an honors thesis on copy number variation in autism-associated genes under the advisory of Dr. Jinchuan Xing of the Genetics Department and Dr. Erin Vogel of the Anthropology Department. Material from this thesis would later be published as part of a paper in eLife, as well as a paper for which I was a co-first author that was published in IJMS.